Grinev S V Vvedenie V Terminovedenie 1993


Despite the existence of international standards, recommendations and manuals, medical terminology is characterized by a high percentage of formal-semantic variation. The relevance of the article due to the need to identify the causes of the disorder terminology, to suggest recommendations for its normalization and codification. Source of collection of linguistic material was “Encyclopedic dictionary of medical terms” by V.I. Pokrovsky (Moscow, 2005).

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The language material was collected by the method of continuous sampling, were analyzed using the historical-etymological method of the analysis of dictionary definitions, the comparative method. One of the most numerous is the variance term, contrasted with the criterion of origin.

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Emir love for Feriha Urdu1. Continue with Facebook Continue with Google. Continue with email. No account yet? Svadjba emira i feriha So, Emir and Feriha have to live the hard life due to their family's disappointment. Later in the story due to a misunderstanding, Feriha leaves Emir and goes to U.S. With Levent, where she divorces him in absence. She returns to Istanbul after 3 years when Emir is getting engaged to Ece to protect her from Yavuz. The drama I Named Her Feriha (Adini Feriha Koydum) is actually 2 seasons. At the end of season 2, Feriha (Hazal Kaya) leaves the drama. After that, the director decides to continue the drama. They change the name of the drama as I Named Her Feriha: The Way of Emir (Adini Feriha Koydum: Emirin Yolu). Adini Feriha Koydum (I named her Feriha) Random. One day emir and feriha are in his car and the car stops working in rain. Emir calls a mechanic and ferihas twin.

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