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Best Answer: Wow.several answers and none are accurate or current.some are outright rude! Maybe 'kathryn' should spend less time lecturing and being snarky and more time checking her sources. There was an update on her site regarding the status just 2 days ago--I doubt searching through old answers would have directed you to that information.

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(And for the record, her 2 day old comments state for fact that she WILL be finishing it.) She released a statement just a few days ago (11/16) on HER site regarding the status of MS. Apparently, she is eventually going to finish it, but doesn't have any idea when that will be because of various factors and said that she was only mad about the leak for a few weeks, then was over it.

FROM HER SITE: To address the many, many questions about Midnight Sun: I've found that there really isn't any answer I can give that changes the substance or tenor of the myriads of requests, pleadings, and demands I get for Midnight Sun to be finished, so I feel a little silly answering that question at all. But it's the most popular question, so I'll take another stab at it.

I am not working on Midnight Sun now. Dark angel season 2. I don't have a plan for when I'll get to it; I don't know now what the right time for it will be. In your questions, there were some erroneous conclusions about the situation which I'll try to set straight. First, Midnight Sun is not finished and locked in a safe, waiting for me to be done angsting over the leak. If it were done, I would be throwing it on the bookstore shelves myself. I'd love to be able to give it to all the people who are anxiously waiting for it. Second, I am not upset about the leak.

I haven't been for a long time; I was over it after about three weeks. Third, and most important, I am not trying to punish anyone. Not the persons who leaked it, not the people who read the leak, nobody. As I said, it would make me very happy to be able to give it to anyone who wants it. So why the hold up?

Because it's not finished and lying in a safe. It's not done, and finishing it is not a simple matter of sitting down in front of my computer and typing out the words; the words have to be there in my head to type out, and right now, they're not. I have to be in the zone to write any story, and trying to force myself into that zone is a waste of time, I've found. I'll get back to Midnight Sun when the story is compelling to me again. Just because people want it so badly does not make it more write-able; kind of the opposite, actually. I need to be alone with a story to write, and Midnight Sun feels really crowded, if you know what I mean. People write for different reasons.

I have always written to make myself happy. If I'm enjoying a story, feeling the creativity flow, engrossed in a world, then I write and I write fast. If I'm not into it, I can't write. I've never been someone who writes on demand and I can't imagine working that way.