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The release of new apricot varieties could help go a long way to restoring flavour to the fruit and improving consumer's eating experience, according to the South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI). As part of the National Apricot Breeding Program, 17 new varieties of the stone fruit were released. Leader of the Fruit Tree Breeding program Darren Graetz says flavour was one of the important factors in the apricot breeding - especially in the fresh sector - therefore every one that was released underwent consumer testing. 'It frustrates me that when you talk to people everyone has an opinion on flavour, but no-one actually measured it - that's what we tried to do here,' Mr Graetz said. 'It seems fairly obvious but very little, if any, flavour-panelling against whatever else is available seems to be carried out. For a fresh eating consumer commodity that appears a fairly basic omission. If you talk to some people in the industry many will say they want deep orange colour and block red blush.

That seems to be marketers saying they want it to catch consumers eye - yes, they will buy it, but unless it actually tastes good consumers won't continue to buy it. Consumers these days have too many other options' He adds that this is the reason apricots have lost so much market share to other snack products. 'I fear we have almost burnt an entire generation of apricot consumers, because only our parents remember apricots were lovely, when you could pick them off your own tree and had exposure to varieties with flavour,' Mr Graetz said. 'Then the focus for marketers changed to flashy cosmetic looks and durability to travel further and further. The results have been a succession of nice looking apricots that have unsatisfactory flavour. So, apricots as a commodity have really suffered.

I hope these (varieties) go a long way to fixing that.' The 17 varieties were split up into three main categories based on their use and flavour profile. Five are the FlavourCot varieties which are the complex high flavour lines, three TastiCot varieties which are standard flavours that have a pleasant, very sweet flavour with balanced acidity, and nine RiverCot varieties, which are mainly for drying with different levels of sweet, complex flavours. But Mr Graetz says six of the Rivercots could be dual purpose and also serve the fresh market. As part of the testing the apricots were put through the randomised blind consumer panels, where participants were asked to provide a rating for a number of questions; from overall eating experience, skin thickness, firmness, flavour, sweetness and sourness.