Vbs Delete All Files In A Folder And Subfolders Iphone

Delete all files with a specified file extensions in a given folder and all subfolders. Delete all files with extension 'wav','avi' or 'mp3' in folder 'C: Temp') Recursive File Delete By Extension (VBScript). How i use this code to delete all files with extension.txt all text files in my P.C *.txt any one help me to Re-write this code Option Explicit Const DeleteReadOnly = True Dim oFSO, oDrive. How i can delete all files.txt in vbs. Trying to compare the 2 most recent files in a folder and process if different.

I have an issue regarding the same script above given by Razor2.3. I use SCCM to push this script to all 1000 machines. It is able to delete everything except the desktop icon. As per the person using SCCM to push this script, it is not deleting the desktop icon because it is looking for the SCCM profile desktop and not the user profile. Is there a way i can enumerate folders in the documents and settings?

Its surprising that the start menu folder is deleted in the user profile and not the SCCM profile.I don't get this. Any kind of advise is appreciated. It works fine when i run it manually, but when SCCM runs it all test machines, it doesn't delete the icons. I figured, it is unable to find the user profile. So, from this link i could get the correct user profile.

I used the subkey and enumerated through Profile Image Path for the system as follows: oReg.EnumKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows NT CurrentVersion ProfileList', arrSubKeys For Each SubKey In arrSubKeys oReg.GetExpandedStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows NT CurrentVersion ProfileList ' & SubKey, 'ProfileImagePath', ValueData If InStr(ValueData, 'Documents and Settings') Then 'Clean up. Klyuch aktivacii matlab 2010. Programma dlya sozdaniya eskizov odezhdi onlajn. Remove possible spaces at the beginning and end of string ValueData = Trim(ValueData) and deleted the files as follows: fso.DeleteFile ValueData & ' Desktop shortcut.lnk' It worked.