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Jan 16, 2017 reCOMPOSE 001: Photography in National Parks Thank you for joining us on the new reCOMPOSE photography podcast. We are so glad you have decided to join us on this new adventure. We received so much positive feedback from so many of you on the AlphaMirrorless podcast we wanted to expand our charter and discuss any and all photography topics. We hope to live up to your expectations, but as always make sure to stay in touch with us, sending us suggestions, topics to discuss, constructive criticism and most importantly your questions. The reCOMPOSE podcast will be released every other Monday In this inaugural episode Andy and Juan discuss photographing National Parks and we discuss out favorite parks. Hope you enjoy the podcast. We don’t always have all the answers, but if we don’t we will research it and try to give you the best answer we can.

So what have you got to lose, go ahead and send in your questions to us at. Links mentioned on the episode • • • Picks of the Week • Juan: • Andy: Connect with Our Hosts & Guests • Juan Pons:, • Andy Williams:, •. Harrah casino st.

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